Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Clock Struck 12...

Since school has started for me, I've been fairly busy with my real life... Everything has to be scheduled right down to the exact time, otherwise I won't be able to do it... And even then, there's still room for chaos.... I told myself, no sugar livin' until I can tone some things down a bit...

And just by happenstance, I met a great guy... Mr BIG brought back the excitement I felt in the summer... For a few weeks, I was almost like Cinderella again... Primping, and reading blogs... Setting dates, and simply imagining how great it'd be to finally work out some sort of arrangement with a guy, that I actually liked, nonetheless...

But just like in the fairy-tale... The clock struck 12, and I've been rid of my pretty dress and fabulous shoes... Only this time, Mr BIG doesn't really want anything to do with me right now...

Short and sweet, I messed up... We had a date set for last week, and I cancelled due to an emergency reschedule... I know it was messed up, but I couldn't not do that thing... Low and behold now, he's pretty much lost interest, and I'm back to where I was about a month ago... Busy, always studying, and BROKE... It really does suck, but what can ya do???

At least, I learned a good one for the road... Don't get excited about spur-of-the-moment chances...


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