Wednesday, February 1, 2012

College Sugar Baby...

We all want the Louboutins... The Coach bags, and Versace dresses... It's the lush and expensive items we see when flipping through the pages of VOGUE that make our mouths water with lust... And it's these men that can give them to us... You bat your pretty lashes, and flash a bashful smile... Their hearts melt and their cash comes out...

Well, NewsFlash!!!

I'm in college, and all I need, besides a good amount in savings is:
  • My damned textbooks paid in full
  • My cell phone bill paid on time every month
  • My student loans paid for
  • Pocket money for sudden expenses
  • etc...
...nowhere on my list does it have shoes, or hand bags, or any of those other material things... I'm practical, and know what I need to survive right now... Like I said before... I damned sure cannot pay for that $200 Chemistry textbook with a pair of pretty shoes... Maybe in the future, when all of these college expenses are out of sight, mind, and out of my account... I'll take it there... But for now... I'm just a college gal looking for a guy to get me through the financial burdens of school...  

Is that too much to ask...???


ps: I can't lie... There are some things that would simply place the cherry in my Manhattan..

  • The rose gold Michael Kors Large Runway Double Glitz Watch  ((a girl's gotta have a quality watch to get to her classes on time, no...???  :}  ))

  • A Nook Tablet, along with all of the accessories  ((nobody wants to have to carry around 5 textbooks all over campus, do they???  ))


  1. when i was in college i didnt have a nice watch. at the age of twenty i had a Timex!

  2. Well, David... I know it isn't the norm, but it would be amazing, wouldn't it...??? And like I said, I know that there are more important things that I could use said sugar for....

    But, I'm a woman... And that watch is simply beautiful...

