Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lesson Learned...

After my first date with Mr Capoeira... things seemed good... We'd talked about our expectations, we got along, and the sexual chemistry was so apparent...
For our second date, we met for drinks in the city... And decided to head back to his place afterwards... He had a nice place... But there were security cameras everywhere!!! It was freaky... He explained it was because he had lots of valuables... I didn't spot anything worth 7-8 cameras... but whatev...

Long story short, we ended up having sex... It was so upsettingly disappointing... It might  have been because he was an inch away from being drunk.. Maybe he was not as good as his looked like he'd be...

7am the next morning... He made a quick breakfast and we chatted for a bit... He payed for my cab ride home, and gave me a little extra, and I was off...

I spent New Year's Eve at home... I was spent and didn't have any energy to even think about going out...

We're still talking, but obviously, after sex, the excitement of the prospect of the arrangement isn't as strong--on both sides... Needless to say, it was a bad choice on my part to 1) have sex with a prospective that early...  2)have sex with a guy that was drunk

I've learned my lesson... And I've already started looking for electric shocking panties online...

*zap .zapzap***



  1. Uh were there any cameras IN his home? I know there was alcohol but I hope you were safe? Not sure if you two did his requirment of STD testing yet but even then hope things were wrapped up.
    Good luck with him..

  2. hey i tried to warn you didn't i?
    but look at it as NSA sex. it happened, two mature adults made the decision, and that's all that counts. who cares if no sugar exchanged hands. a good time was had by all. it's called 'one night stand'. used to have lots of those when i was 21. 21 yeard olds are famous for them. lighten up, you had sex

  3. I agree, should have make sure there were no cameras in the bedroom or wherever you two did the dirty deed.
    I've had a few of those night stands with certain pots that I gave the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it just doesn't end up working out.
