Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Clock Struck 12...

Since school has started for me, I've been fairly busy with my real life... Everything has to be scheduled right down to the exact time, otherwise I won't be able to do it... And even then, there's still room for chaos.... I told myself, no sugar livin' until I can tone some things down a bit...

And just by happenstance, I met a great guy... Mr BIG brought back the excitement I felt in the summer... For a few weeks, I was almost like Cinderella again... Primping, and reading blogs... Setting dates, and simply imagining how great it'd be to finally work out some sort of arrangement with a guy, that I actually liked, nonetheless...

But just like in the fairy-tale... The clock struck 12, and I've been rid of my pretty dress and fabulous shoes... Only this time, Mr BIG doesn't really want anything to do with me right now...

Short and sweet, I messed up... We had a date set for last week, and I cancelled due to an emergency reschedule... I know it was messed up, but I couldn't not do that thing... Low and behold now, he's pretty much lost interest, and I'm back to where I was about a month ago... Busy, always studying, and BROKE... It really does suck, but what can ya do???

At least, I learned a good one for the road... Don't get excited about spur-of-the-moment chances...


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sometimes It's Just Too Much...

We all know that living these double lives takes a toll on us all... Sometimes, the solid line blurs a bit, and discerning between the two becomes just a little more difficult... What happens when we have to choose between the two...???

Do you pick the Box of Reality...??? Because it's the norm... What you've known, and can rely on???

Or do you choose the Box o Sweets...??? Never quite sure what flavour you'll get, but it's an adventure all the same...??? With every bite, you're experiencing something exotic, new, and refreshing...

***Well, real life's been a pain... I have a job interview set up for tomorrow... Had another yesterday, and another Monday... ((a girl's gotta have Funds right???)) Tons of extra activities too... But they're all kind of cutting into my Sugar World's time...

I was supposed to go on my second date with Mr Big tomorrow night... But, because of my busy RL, there was a conflict... It makes me sad, because I really did want to see him again... But reality will be there when he won't be... We'll see if he understands...

Hope all of you wonderful women don't have lives as stressful as my own... And that the sweet, sticky, and sugary gum drops rain upon you from above...


Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's All Coming Back To Me Now...

I had my first date with the gentleman i mentioned in a previous post... I think I'll call him Mr BIG... We met at a little bar in the city... I was surprised to find a quite handsome man... I don't know why I was expecting some old, greyed, balding fellah with a portable oxygen tank alongside him... LOL... (I was....)

***Firstly ladies... I'm not a big drinker... So, wine, beer, etc... Not really my thing...***

Overall, I had a nice time... He seemed more nervous, though, than I... The atmosphere was relaxing, and fairly young... We talked about our past endeavors... The good and the just-plain-ugly... Eventually, it came up--what we were both looking for from each other...

Upon meeting him, I didn't really expect this relationship to be of that kind. I figured it'd be more of a mentor/mentee thing... But I surely cannot resist the offer from Mr BIG... He knows what he's doing, and everything was upfront... He's not into allowances... ((Doesn't that just break your hearts, ladies???)) And I'd be able to meet once a week... I mentioned that I would like an allowance... The terms... to come, I'm sure...

*** I could have sworn, while sitting in a small courtyard, afterwards... That Mr BIG leaned in to try to kiss me... It might have been in my mind... I simply leaned back, and stared at him from above my glasses... What was he doing? Was it a test? Did he really think I'd let him, or anyone else, for that matter, kiss me like that--on the first date??? I don't know... maybe it was the beers... maybe it was the nice, crisp, chill in the air... But that move had me on alert... Mr BIG did get a little touchy-feely after leaving the bar... But I simply assumed he was just excited about the prospect of me...

During the date, he noticed my body... Mr BIG told me he loved how strong I was...
***Ladies, I am a competitive cheerleader, and being in shape is duper important for that***
We talked about the whole Black/White thing... compared being with other races... He loves himself some chocolate... :)  Who wouldn't want some...???

On another note, he did hint at "making it up to me for missing my birthday"... :)  I casually mentioned that a nice, new Nook would be great to have... as a college student... And that having my textbooks paid for would be amazing... Since they're all about $150-$200 each... Just sayin'...
We'll see...

I'm actually glad that we met... I was falling off the bandwagon, and it was a nice way to ease back into this double life... Mr BIG seems promising, and best of all... There's chemistry... So this relationship just might the best of both worlds... Easy-going dates... fun... great chemistry... AND the funds!!!

We have another date scheduled for next week.... Don't know what we're to do, but I'll keep you all posted...


Friday, October 14, 2011

Waiting to Exhale...

Ladies... we are all looking for that sugary perfection... That great relationship(s) where you can have fun, be in great (handsome) company, and still end up with some $$$ in your bank account... And we work ever so hard... Making sure our bodies are in tip-top shape... Blowing our hair out into great volumes... Walking tall in our pencil skirts and stilettos... The double lives we live bring great pleasure and excitement to us... while driving us mad at the same time...

Although I'm on a slight hiatus from my alternate life... My main life has kind of fallen off also... Ladies... I don't have a man... And lately, it's been driving me crazy... Now, It could just be because the weather is getting nicer... Cool and crisp... leaves changing beautifully... But something in me is going crazy... I need a man... Not simply for the dates... but for the sex...

I admit, it has been a while for me... And almost every night, I find myself tossing and turning underneath my covers...

Sugar Circle:
Ladies, let's hear it... How do you deal with lack of sex...? Is it an issue for you...? Are you having sex with your SDs...? If so, how do you like that, compared to sex with normal men...? And, when is masturbation enough...?


Sunday, October 9, 2011

An Unexpected Chance...

Well, ladies...

Even though I'm completely swamped with my RL right now... Somehow, someway... I've found myself a new POT... Can't say too much about him now, except that he's very much experienced, and I'm both anxious and nervously afraid to meet him... I have the date set for sometime soon... And being out of the loop has me thrown...

I feel like it's the beginning all over again... So, ladies... help me out... Any tips, tricks, or magic cards for me??? Let's have it... because I'm a fish out of water, and this guy has been swimming around for a loooonnnnngggg time...


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm Falling and I Can't Find My Legs...

Since school started, back in August... I've slowly turned from the life of sugar... I'm super busy... School is serious this semester... I'm taking 7 classes... Tennis season has been super harsh--bad weather sucks. And being a cheerleader makes it no easier... Not to mention having a job, and I'm currently looking for another...

I miss the sugary life... I miss sitting on my bed indian-style and searching on my laptop through profiles... rifling through messages... and updating pictures... for HOURS... I miss the nervous excited feeling right before a date... Or the promise of another bill being paid... I miss reading the blogs of you fabulous women and men...


Maybe when it gets a little later in the semester... Perhaps in the winter, I'll get back into the life... Right now, though... I just can't... If I could pause time then sure... But, for now... I'll just be checking in every now and again...